2023 was a very interesting year at Bureau Veritas Sweden! Excellent results were achieved: happy clients, we met our financial targets, and just as important, happy employees.
As in most businesses, the right resources are essential, and recruiting is challenging!
Resource Manager, Adis Barucic, joined BV in August 2022 and has now been given the challenging task of recruiting highly skilled auditors! Looking back, he more than succeeded with that task! Bureau Veritas Sweden welcomed more than 15 new auditors to the BV family.
But who is the man behind the success?
Adis Barucic is 41 years old, from the beautiful small town of Bihac in Bosnia and Herzegovina, happily married, and has four children. ”I started my journey with Bureau Veritas Sweden in August 2022 as COC Lead Auditor. Today, I am the Resource Manager for BV Sweden, Product Manager for COC/FM certification for BV Nordic and a member of the Swedish Management Team”
The master plaN
”When we started the process of creating change last year, we analyzed most required areas to improve, and-, we saw that our auditor pool needed to grow with more qualified and experienced auditors from all areas of the industry. In total, we have recruited more than 15 new people; some of them transferred from other CBs as fully qualified auditors, some of them started their qualification process with us, and some of them had the opportunity to be trained and qualified with BV Sweden.”
The plan was set; auditors needed to be employed, both as subcontractors and full-time employees, within different standards and schemes. But how? For Adis, it was pretty simple! ”Do your analysis, contact people personally, and don’t use software, AI etc. to select candidates for you. Every candidate is a human being and deserves a bit of your time. People are our greatest asset in BV, and we must have a simple and respectful approach.”
Teamwork is key
That Adis is a great team player is no secret within BV Sweden! ”If there are no others, there will not be; me. There is a Team, and in the Team there is no ”I”, he concludes without any doubt!
Everything is linked together and everybody is doing a great job! From the work of attracting clients to the first contact with our sales team. After a sale, a row of processes starts. Our planning team plans everything sold as BV services, and often, they push for more resources. Then resource management comes into the picture and the recruiting starts. Our technical department reviews reports and issues certificates and communicates with clients and auditors. Last but not least, our finance team who is covering all financial questions. This internal process leads us to the most crucial part, auditing our clients! We have highly skilled auditors, that we are proud of sending to our clients!
Why Bureau Veritas?
Bureau Veritas is a ”glocal” company! We are a global company, but with a strong local engagement. (We are local in Sweden, but still with a global family to back us up). We can support our clients all over the world with local experts, 84.000 employees world wide in BV are working on shaping a world of trust every day!
The same goes for our way of working in BV Sweden. We’re always working together for the same goal, to shape a world of trust.
Adis Barucic, Resource Manager Certification tillsammans med Sales Manager Sezer Adelsson & Lead Auditor Reinhardt Ziegler.
Bureau Veritas Certifiering
Telefon: +46 (0)31 60 65 00
Mail: info-se@bureauveritas.com