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Calculate your organization's climate impact - Scope 3

Not all Scope 3 emission categories are applicable to every company. However, familiarizing yourself with these categories is crucial for developing and implementing effective reduction strategies. Calculating Scope 3 emissions can prove intricate, involving diverse sources such as internal operations, suppliers, contractors, and end-users. 

Purpose and Content

This course is designed to provide you with the necessary insights into Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) and ISO 14064-1 standards, and guide you through the process of identifying Scope 3 emissions pertinent to your business, defining calculation parameters, and effectively reporting results for the following subcategories within Scope 3:

  • 3-1: Purchased products and services.

  • 3-2: Capital goods

  • 3-3: Fuel and energy-related activities

  • 3-4: Upstream transport and distribution

  • 3-5: Waste management

  • 3-6: Business trips

  • 3-7: Commuting

  • 3-8: Upstream leased assets

  • 3-9: Downstream transport and distribution

  • 3-10: Processing of sold products.

  • 3-11: Use of Products Sold

  • 3-12: Final handling of sold products.

  • 3-13: Downstream leased assets

    Note that category 3-14 (Franchises) and 3-15 (Investments) are not included in this course.

Target Group

The training is aimed at managers in manufacturing operations, the service sector and private companies and public administrations such as environmental and sustainability managers/coordinators, environmental and economic analysts, consultants, or others who are interested in GHG and ISO 140164-1. 

Previous Knowledge

This course has a practical orientation and assumes that you have a basic knowledge of the GHG protocol and its meaning.

Course details

DatesLocationLanguagetutorPriceSign up
22 AugustOnlineEnglishMuhammad Arfan500 € ex VATBook here
20 SeptemberOnlineEnglishMuhammad Arfan500 € ex VATBook here
26 SeptemberOnlineSwedishViktor Hakkarainen7000 SEK ex momsBook here
19 NovemberOnlineEnglishMuhammad Arfan500 € ex VATBook here
12 DecemberStockholmSwedishViktor Hakkarainen7000 SEK ex momsBook here


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